Saturday, May 30, 2009


Work has been busy and challenging. Energy drained, but the momentum is still going on very strong. It marks the end of May and June is so important. It is do-or-die! Success of failure. GOD, ride us through this storm and reap the fruits of our hard work (more of their hard work though)! 

Toothache sets in and its another Root Canel Treatment sessions. And stretching the limits of my SGD at Msia is really amazing. 

Some random pics of meeting up a 'cyber friend'. She's actually a friend's sister and I kinda know her since NTU days. Just that, recently, we kinda..... click! HAHA!

I may not blog that often due to work commitments, draining a large portion of my physical energy. However, my friends, don't forget to keep the positive energy! You'll be amazed how positive energy transform you in a positive way!

Hope this picture which I think looks positive (Hey, its difficult to get that proper smile recently with the drained physical body. But didn't I say positive energy is amazing? ;p) and good sinful food can transfer some of the positive energy to everyone around! 

Thought of the day:

Love what you do, put your heart into it and you will be rewarded ~ 山不转,路转。路不转,人转。

Verse of the day:
Psalms 56:4 - In God whose words I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?

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