Monday, March 16, 2009

HOMS Dinner and Dance 2009

The last HOMS Dinner and Dance 2009.

No one would have predicted that things will end this way. Nonetheless, everyone embrace the probable last chance of gathering. It is no surprised scene to see camera shutters on in a frequent manner.

The people.

The birthday girl! I didn't mean to make her up on stage! I just wanted a simple celeb at her table. Thanks to her technician for informing the emcee.

My ever lovely technicians.

At Zirca

The H6 girls I bumped into at Zirca

My lovely GGs!!! Joined them at dragonfly~

Had a 'juvenile' night with GGs!

The evening just whizzed past! All was gone. New beginning is to come. :)

*You may find dramatic eyelash in my pics. Thanks to SHU eyelashes. Nice but it is so thick and heavy that the next day, I felt as if my eye lids were having muscle ache.

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